Compuware Program Analyzer快速理解不熟悉的程序!
Compuware Program Analyzer帮助开发者使用Abend-AID通过观察程序的结构,数据项和逻辑,更加高级且易懂的分析复杂的COBOL程序。
Quickly understand unfamiliar programs
Compuware Program Analyzer helps developers using Abend-AID perform even more advanced yet easy-to-understand analyses of complex COBOL programs through views of the program's structure, data items and logic.
A developer using Abend-AID or Fault Manager can obtain additional information on an abending program with Compuware Program Analyzer. Using the same Compuware source listing file, developers can view a program's structure chart and its paragraphs, as well as valuable "find indirect" information on the flow of data through the program. This enables developers to quickly understand programs they are not familiar with and resolve abends sooner.
Compuware Program Analyzer also provides significant value to developers using Xpediter and Strobe.
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