Stratus Avance High-Availability Software is the answer for businesses requiring the most reliable and
Stratus Avance High-Availability Software is the answer for businesses requiring the most reliable and
Stratus Avance High-Availability Software is the answer for businesses requiring the most reliable and
Stratus Avance High-Availability Software is the answer for businesses requiring the most reliable and
Stratus Avance High-Availability Software is the answer for businesses requiring the most reliable and
Ensure 99.999% Uptime with Stratus Fault-Tolerant Servers Superior high availability for Microsoft Windows Server , Red Hat Enterprise Linux and virtualization workloads Stratus
Citrix Access Gateway是一款通用的SSL VPN设备,为信息资源提供了安全、且始终在线的单点接入支持。它俱备IPSec和常见SSL VPN的所有优势,同时摆脱了昂贵且烦琐的实施与管理缺陷,从而可分
企业的端到端WAN优化和应用加速解决方案 图片1 Citrix WANScaler解决方案提供了高性能的WAN优化和应用加速能力,降低了用户的等待时间,提高了广域网(WAN)吞吐量应用响应时间加快了
Citrix Receiver is a new lightweight software client that makes accessing virtual applications and desktops on any device as easy as turning on your TV. See how it works. Much like a satellite or cable TV receiver in a broadcast media servi
挫败绕过网络防火墙和IPS设备的攻击 Citrix Application Firewall可保护Web应用免遭日益增多的应用层攻击,如缓冲区溢出、SQL注入、跨站点脚本攻击等。除了业经验证的出色攻击防御特性外,
终端用户应用性能 平衡了系统性能和用户体验 每个IT机构都有一个相同的使命,那就是让业务用户快速有效地完成自己的工作,从而最大化公司利益。为了完成这一使命,就必须使用有