Patch Impact Manager
Patch Impact Manager 功能:
Patch Impact Manager 令您的补丁测试过程更加有效。使用Patch Impact Manager,您可以方便获取所需要的Windows操作系统和Microsoft程序补丁,并全面测试这些补丁对工作环境带来的影响,以确保您企业系统的可靠性和安全性。
将Patch Impact Manager独一无二的补丁测试功能加到企业当前的补丁管理解决方案中,可以完善您企业的补丁管理策略,阻止不兼容的补丁进入您的电脑,以确保其正常工作。很多机构经常使用Shavlik™ HFNetCHkPro, PatchLink™或BigFix® Patch Manager等补丁管理方案,加上Patch Impact Manager后,就可以专门测试补丁对某个程序或操作系统的影响,从而填补企业已有补丁管理方案的空白。
Patch Impact Manager由InstallShield开发,InstallShield是世界领先的应用程序预备及管理方案和服务的软件开发商。Patch Impact Manager需要AdminStudio 5.5 Professional Edition或更新版本,AdminStudio是完全的软件打包、定制、冲突解决和测试方案。
识别那些使用Windows OS 补丁文件的应用程序集合,从而专门完成补丁测试任务。
Patch Impact Manager
Deploying patches without understanding their contents or the impact they will have on your operating environment can be costly. A single incompatible patch can crash mission-critical applications and destabilize workstations across your entire organization.
» Patch Impact Analysis
Understand the full impact patches will have on your entire environment.
» Patch Preview
See the complete contents of any Microsoft patch before you deploy.
» Patch Discovery
List every Microsoft patch and easily download those you need.
Patch Impact Manager helps make your patch testing process much more efficient. With Patch Impact Manager, you can easily obtain the Windows operating system and Microsoft application patches you need and thoroughly test the impact they will have on your environment, ensuring your organization’s systems are always reliable and secure.
Completes Your Enterprise’s Patch Management Strategy
Adding Patch Impact Manager’s exclusive testing functionality to that of your current patch management solution completes your patch strategy and ensures incompatible patches never get the chance to crash your desktops. Organizations using patch management solutions such as Shavlik™ HFNetCHkPro, PatchLink™ or BigFix® Patch Manager can fill a crucial gap in their patching strategy by using Patch Impact Manager to focus testing efforts on specific problem applications and operating system images.
From the Leader in Enterprise Application Management
Patch Impact Manager is from InstallShield, the worldwide leader in application preparation and management solutions and services. Patch Impact Manager requires AdminStudio 5.5 Professional Edition or later, the complete software packaging, customization, conflict resolution, and testing solution.
Know the Impact Patches Have on Applications at Runtime
Focus your patch testing by identifying the set of applications that will use the files delivered in a Windows OS patch.