InstallShield Express 是 InstallShield 家 族 的 新 成 员 . 在 它 出 现 之 前 , 发 布 应 用 程 序 从 未 如 此 简 单 . 现 在 , 程 序 员 们 不 需 要 写 一 行 代 码 就 可 以 创 建 最 专 业 化 的 安 装 程 序 . InstallShield Express 提 供 了 绝 大 部 分 你 需 要 的 功 能 , 包 括 : 建 立 16&32 位 的 发 布 程 序 , 显 示 自 定 义 的 位 图 , 建 立 和 修 改 图 标 , 修 改 INI 文 件 和 注 册 表 信 息 等 等 , 甚 至 允 许 你 建 立 自 己 的 反 安 装 系 统 , 而 且 所 有 的 步 骤 都 与 常 见 WIN95 安 装 一 样 . InstallShield Express 现 在 支 持 MS VB4.0,Delphi 2.0,VC++4.2,BC++5.0 和 Paradox7
DELPHI3中的软件发布工具——InstallShield Express。利用这一工具,用户可以很快地生成所谓“图形导向”的安装程序,并用它制作自己用DELPHI3开发的软件的发行盘。
Delphi3 是一种较新的可视化开发工具,自1997年5月发布以来,由于其简便易用、功能强大和编译程序的简洁高效受到了各界的广泛欢迎。尤其它提供了一个高效的应用程序发布工具————InstallShield Express给程序员发布自己开发的应用提供了很大的方便。利用这一工具,用户可以按照它的提示来进行每一步操作,在每一步操作中按提示添入各种内容,最终就能生成象Delphi3安装程序一样专业的应用发布过程。
一、InstallShield Express的安装:
当启动InstallShield Express时,将出现如下对话框:
其中“APP INFO”提供与程序有关的一些信息,如程序名、版本号等;“MAIN WINDOW”页可以设计安装的背景和显示的图象,值得注意的是,这个软件只支持16色的图象,如果不是系统将其转化为16色。在“FEATURE”页,用户可以指定是否自动生成卸载程序。
2 选择Delphi安装对象。
Delphi是一个相对独立的开发环境,它里面提供了一些数据的高速访问机制,如BDE、SQL LINK等,如果用户开发的程序用到这些部分,那么如果在发行盘中没有相应的库就会导致应用软件不能正常运行。为此,用户可选择安装DELPHI中的一些部件。当选择安装时,下列对话框提示用户选择的内容:
3 指定组件和文件。
4 选择用户界面。
5 改变登录信息。
6 指定文件夹与图标。
如果以上设置无误,即可运行磁盘生成器来生成发行盘。生成发行盘时按“DISK BUILDER”前的小箭头,将出现一个对话框,选定要生成发行盘的磁盘容量再按对话框中的BUILD按钮,系统就会自动生成发行盘。生成结果如图所示:
8 测试安装。
Installshield Express 3.5
Fast Development
Speed your way through setup authoring.
-- NEW! New Design Environment : Improve productivity with a redesigned design environment that now sports the Outlook-style interface with a step-by-step checklist to guide you through development.
-- Visual Basic Wizard : Kick start your VB installations with an intuitive wizard interface.
-- NEW! Merge Modules : Instantly support many popular third-party technologies with 42 included merge modules, including ODBC, OLE, Access, MDAC, and DCOM.
-- Command Line Tools : Easily build your project from the command line with an overnight batch process.
-- NEW! Dynamic File Linking : Automatically include files at build time, based on predefined paths and wildcard characters.
-- Visual Registry/Shell Object Editor : Visually add your shortcuts and registry entries to your installation.
-- NEW! Dependency Manager : Identify all the files your application calls by running the application and then selecting which files you would like to add to your project from a displayed list.
-- Drag-and-drop Support : Quickly move project elements between product features.
Microsoft Windows Installer Support
Leverage the TCO-reducing features of the Windows Installer Service.
-- NEW! Component level install/uninstall : Deliver individual applications or suites that can be easily changed, removed, or reinstalled by the end user.
-- NEW! Application advertising : A feature of the Windows Installer service whereby an application that is not installed on a user’s system is accessed as though it is installed. When the application is opened, the installer automatically installs the required components. Assigning and publishing are two forms of advertising.
-- NEW! Auto-repair of corrupt application components : Ensure application integrity.
-- NEW! Automatic rollback after a failed installation : Be sure users can return their machines to their original states.
Easy Application Deployment Anywhere
Deliver your setup via CD or Web around the world.
-- Media Types : Distribute via CDs, the Internet, or at any custom size.
-- Media Distribution : Copy your media directly to a network drive or FTP site.
-- NEW! Internet Deployment : InstallShield Express 3 now includes PackageForTheWeb. Create, password protect, and digitally sign self-extracting EXE files that can be placed directly on the Web.
-- OS Filtering : Create one installation that targets multiple OSs by filtering files specific to a certain OS. Or limit the operating systems on which your installation can run.
Setup Customization
Customize and still get your setup done in a day.
-- NEW! Dialog Text Editing : Modify dialog text to meet your specific user interface requirements.
-- ENHANCED! Improved Language Support : Support ANY runtime language. Translate your modified dialog text into any language and import the translated text - even double-byte languages.
-- Launch Other Programs : Using custom actions, you can launch an EXE or call a DLL.
-- 256-color Bitmap Support : InstallShield Express 3 now supports 256 colors for billboards and splash screens.
-- Silent Installation Support : Install software without user interaction.
-- INI File Support File Extension Support
-- NEW! Upgrade Path : Migrate your projects to InstallShield Professional - Windows Installer Edition to meet more advanced requirements.