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产品名称:SQL Management Studio for InterBase and Firebird

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  • 交货方式:联系销售人员
  • 配货周期:与销售联系
  • 销售热线:010-51266616
  • 市场价格:(以销售人员正式报价为准) 如何获得此产品的本地化服务?

EMS SQL Management Studio for InterBase and Firebird 是一个用于数据库管理和开发的完整解决方案,其组件功能包括所有常见的任务。

EMS SQL Management Studio for InterBase and Firebird is a complete solution for InterBase and Firebird database administration and development. With components that focus on all critical database management tasks, SQL Studio for InterBase and Firebird is a single workbench that provides you with must-have tools for administering IB and Firebird databases, managing database schema and objects as well as for InterBase and Firebird database design, migration, extraction, InterBase and Firebird query building, data import, export and database comparison.

SQL Studio unites these database tools for InterBase and Firebird in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. With SQL Management Studio many database administration objectives, such as migration, data loading and synchronization, database backup and extraction can be automated, allowing InterBase and Firebird database administrators and application developers to perform complex tasks on a regular basis with the minimum number of efforts and a high level of flexibility.

Whether you are a database or application developer, DBA or business analyst, SQL Studio for InterBase and Firebird offers all essential InterBase tools and Firebird tools to make you more productive than ever before!


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