EMS Data Generator for DB2 是一个可以使您快速简单地创建对DB2数据库的SQL查询的工具。可以以可视化方式创建,或者直接编辑查询文本。
Data Generator for DB2 also provides a console application, which allows you to generate DB2 test data in one-touch by using generation templates.
Key Features
- Unicode support
- User-friendly wizard interface
- Ability to save and edit generated data in the SQL script without executing queries on the server
- Generating data to several tables from different databases on one host
- Support of basic DB2 data types including user-defined data types based on simple types
- Different generation types for each field including list, random and incremental generation, generation into two and more fields simultaneously
- Ability to use SQL query results as a list of values for data generation
- Ability to preview the generated data
- Automatic control over referential integrity for linked tables
- Wide variety of generation parameters for each field type
- Ability to set NULL values for certain percent of cases
- Ability to save all generation parameters set on current wizard session into a configuration file
- Command-line utility to generate data using the template file