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产品名称:Syncfusion Essential Suite

  • 出版厂商:
  • 版  本:最新版本
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  • 交货方式:联系销售人员
  • 配货周期:与销售联系
  • 销售热线:010-51266616
  • 市场价格:(以销售人员正式报价为准) 如何获得此产品的本地化服务?

Essential Suite是一个大的组件包,其中包含7个组件库。每一个组件库都含一套独特实用的特性和功能。

  •  Essential Tools:强大的用户界面控件,包含XP风格控件,停靠窗口。
  •  Essential Grid:完全可定制的工业标准grid控件,含类似于Excel的特性集。
  •  Essential Chart:表现丰富的商业图表(chart)控件。
  •  Essential Diagram-Essential Diagram 是一个.NET框架集,可以开发类似于   Microsoft Visio的交互式二维图形和图表程序;
  •  Essential Edit:增加了编辑功能,含语法加强功能、多级Undo/Redo等;
  •  Essential Grouping:-Essential Grouping是一个高性能分组引擎,能够对任何数据列表进行分组;
  •  Essential ExcelRW:-Essential ExcelRw 是一个.NET框架控件,可以读写Microsoft Excel文件(BIFF 8格式)。



  •  Essential Suite可以提供完整的源代码,结合一个独特的调试支持系统,允许在“Debug”和“Release”两个版本之间转换,而转换过程极为简单,只要在Visual Studio.NET IDE内轻轻点击即可完成。


  •  含有简单的royalty free许可模型。该组件能授权给单个用户。为了您的工作方便,我们的允许您将组件同时安装在一台工作电脑、一台家用电脑和一台便携式电脑上.

Essential Suite includes seven component libraries in one great package. Each of these component libraries has a unique and useful feature set.

  • Essential Tools-Collection of great user interface controls including XP style controls, docking windows. 
  • Essential Grid -Fully customizable industry standard grid control with extensive Excel like feature set. 
  • Essential Chart -Full fledged business chart component with a unique point based styles architecture. 
  • Essential Diagram -Essential Diagram is a .NET framework for developing Microsoft Visio like interactive 2D graphics and diagramming applications. 
  • Essential Edit -Enhanced edit with great features such as syntax high lighting, multi-level Undo / Redo. 
  • Essential Grouping -Essential Grouping is a high performance grouping engine that can group any list of data. 
  • Essential ExcelRW-Essential ExcelRW is a .NET framework component that can read and write Microsoft Excel files (BIFF 8 format). 
  • Essential Calculate -Essential Calculate is a full fledged stand-alone formula engine. It comes with over 150 commonly used formulas. 
  • Essential PDF -Essential PDF is a full featured .NET library that can produce Adobe PDF files. 
  • Essential HTML UI -Essential HTML UI is a 100% .NET HTML display engine. It can be used to create extremely flexible user interfaces. 

Full Source Code

  • Essential Suite is available with full source code. It incorporates a unique debugging support system that allows switching between 'Debug' and 'Release' versions of our library with a single click from inside the Visual Studio.NET IDE.


Technical Support

  • To ensure the highest quality of support possible, we use a state of the art Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) based Developer Support System called Direct-Trac. Syncfusion Direc-Trac is a support system that is uniquely tailored for developer needs. Support incidents can be created and tracked to completion 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Flexible licensing model

  • We have a simple royalty free licensing model. Components are licensed to a single user. We recognize that you often work at home or on your laptop in addition to your work machine. Therefore, our license permits our products to be installed on a laptop and a home machine in addition to a work machine for your use.

Excellent Value

  • Our entire studio with full source code is priced at $1,595 ($1,295 for the binary Suite). This includes support and updates for a full year after purchase.

We stand behind our components

  • At Syncfusion we stand behind our components 100%. We have top notch management, architects, product managers, sales people, support personnel and developers all working with you, the customer, as their focal point. You can be assured that we will go the extra mile and beyond to meet your expectations.

    可用模式:Client Server (CS)模式
    可用平台:.NET 2003/2005


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