Essential Chart是一个商业图表控件,他提供全新的数据对象模式,让图表可以和各种数据源轻松结合,Essential Chart的高级样式结构能够轻松表现复杂的多层次格式,企业版本(包含Essential Grouping)更增加了对分组功能的支持
Chart Data
The data model of Essential Chart is separate from its display elements. This provides a flexible data model that makes application development easier. The basic data model of the chart is not tied to the Microsoft data binding interfaces. The core data model defines data services that pertain only to the chart. This makes it very easy to implement models that work with any data source.
Chart Appearances
Essential Chart's appearance can be controlled through the various elements of the chart display area exposed by the control through its properties. Essential Chart features a rich styles architecture that allows for point level formatting as well as series level formatting with the ability to control the manner in which individual settings are inherited. The styles architecture also provides an optimized data store that stores data only as needed.
Date Handling
Essential Chart features built in support for dates. The data type of any series that is plotted on the chart can be set to DateTime.
Automatic Range
Essential Chart offers automatic interval calculation capabilities for any range of numbers or dates. This calculation can be overridden by explicit allocation of ranges and intervals to be used and also with settings that control how 'nice' numbers are calculated for displayLegend
Essential Chart offers extensive customization possibilities of the legend. The position of the legend on the chart area as well as its representation aspects can all be completely customized. Essential Chart also features modification of legend items using events. It also supports custom legend items that are not tied to series of data.
Chart Types
Essential Chart offers more than 15 chart types which can be easily configured to suit a user's needs. Essential Chart supports customization of charts both at the series level and at the individual point level. Essential Chart also provides support for custom charts.
可用模式:Client Server (CS)模式
可用平台:.NET 2003/2005
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