Data that connects the dots
Concurrent has unique industry experience in managing large data sets with in-depth expertise media data infrastructure solutions and logistics, warehousing and business intelligence technologies, as well as developing industry standards in database architectures, multi-vendor interfaces, and data transport and exchange mechanisms.
Our technology empowers marketing, programming, advertising and operations teams to seamlessly analyze usage, revenue and quality of their interactive services. This intelligence allows operators to identify new opportunities for revenue growth, operational efficiencies leading to reduction of subscriber defection.
Concurrent’s Media Data and Advertising Solutions are globally deployed in 265 markets, supporting over 32 million households. In the US, Concurrent’s analytics solutions cover 80% of the on-demand footprint, and are deployed with major North American operators.
Understanding subscriber data is in Concurrent’s DNA. Our rich heritage in collecting, analyzing and distributing subscriber data creates a truly holistic, end-to-end solution a 360° view of the consumer experience and provides our customers with new revenue opportunities by harnessing the full potential of advanced advertising technologies.
Concurrent’s Media Data Infrastructure and Logistics products enable the world’s largest digital service providers to mine, transform, warehouse, report and analyze usage data from their interactive platforms. This technology empowers marketing, audience measurement and reporting firms, programming, advertising and operations teams to seamlessly analyze usage, revenue and quality of interactive services such as on-demand, time-shifted TV and advanced advertising.
Video is fundamentally transforming the way users consume media, bringing about a ubiquitous delivery model across multiple devices and platforms. New television infrastructure technologies, new programming and content paradigms, and new advertising models are all converging to generate the next wave in the evolution of cable advertising.
Concurrent’s screen-agnostic, census level data management solution creates a truly holistic view of the consumer video experience and provides our customers with new revenue opportunities by harnessing the full potential of this evolving technology. Concurrent’s strategy is a natural extension of our legacy, empowering a new customer base to turn “video into value.”
Data measurement and standardized metrics are critical to the success of advanced service offerings, along with emphasizing granular, in-depth data for programmers and advertisers. Correlating data from disparate mediums, such as TV, VOD, online and mobile devices, as well as across differing service providers, will produce a comprehensive view of the consumer experience, thus allowing operators to refine their own content strategies and better position their marketing and promotional activities, with the goal of not only reducing churn, but increasing service usage and increasing per-subscriber revenue.
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