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产品名称:PlateSpin Protect

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  • 版  本:最新版本
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  • 交货方式:联系销售人员
  • 配货周期:与销售联系
  • 销售热线:010-51266616
  • 市场价格:(以销售人员正式报价为准) 如何获得此产品的本地化服务?
Workload Protection and Recovery.
Organizations typically spend 80% of their disaster recovery budget to protect only their most mission-critical servers – as little as 20% of their server network. This leaves 80% of servers under-insured, creating the potential for inconveniences and lost productivity.

PlateSpin Protect provides the most flexible, reliable and cost-effective solution for protecting physical and virtual workloads in the data center. Offering a range of workload protection alternatives in a single product, PlateSpin Protect provides a flexible, cost-effective solution for protecting a broad range of physical and virtual workloads. Depending on the specific recovery requirements of different types of workloads, organizations can opt for flexible image backup and hardware-independent restore or consolidated recovery using virtualization as a recovery platform.

With PlateSpin Protect, production servers and virtual workloads can be protected at a fraction of the cost of traditional options, and can be recovered more rapidly and with greater ease. By helping organizations achieve superior recovery speed and reliability at an affordable price, PlateSpin Protect puts enterprise-class disaster recovery within reach for organizations of all sizes.

The Value Proposition
  • Protect multiple servers using a consolidated recovery environment
  • Perform full and incremental replication without taking servers offline
  • Reduce RTO compared to imaging or tape backups
  • Easily run DR “fire drills” to test restore times and disaster readiness


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