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产品名称:VisNetic SafeFile 2.0

  • 出版厂商:
  • 版  本:最新版本
  • 语  言:
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  • 上架时间:
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  • 交货方式:联系销售人员
  • 配货周期:与销售联系
  • 销售热线:010-51266616
  • 市场价格:(以销售人员正式报价为准) 如何获得此产品的本地化服务?
VisNetic SafeFile

VisNetic SafeFile is file encryption software for the desktop. This file encryption program creates an encrypted virtual drive on your computer that can only be loaded using a specified password. Once loaded, any kind of file can be dragged and dropped into it, rendering the file virtually untouchable by anyone but you.

VisNetic SafeFile includes the ability to generate self-decrypting email attachments, allowing the user to send encrypted email to anyone - the recipient does not need to have a copy of the program.

This file encryption program is designed for deployment across any size organization and features fully centralized administration capability, including key recovery.

VisNetic SafeFile Features

Real time file and folder protection
No format limitations
Virtual Drive
Disk Space
Store and Port Data


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