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RoutePlotter 是一个网络架构性能和IP设备的监控管理工具。

Benefits and Features

RoutePlotter continuously monitors business critical devices and application services including the network routes that serve them from any location not just the RoutePlotter Server. This ensures service levels for quality and performance are maintained to vital parts of the network. Reports performance for the entire route and every ISP connection along the route path, providing needed visibility to ISP route changes that impact service levels and normally go unnoticed. 

See performance for all network routes from multiple locations in a single view
Receive instant notification of service degradation or failure
View reports 'anywhere and everywhere' with easy web browser access

Monitors critical network routes in multiple directions
Routing to an IP device and from an IP device is seldom the same. Visibility from multiple locations quickly shows network service problems and identifies ownership for resolution. 

Flexible agent technology
Supports network route monitoring from any location on a permanent or temporary basis such as a customer with connection difficulties.

Locates single points of failure in network routes
Identifies common nodes to multiple routes with a single mouse click.

Reports the availability and quality of service for any IP device
Key performance measures of network latency and packet loss provide essential views of network health and device availability.

Measures changes in IP routing between the server and the destination
Easily identify the impact to service levels and pinpoint router failures such as router-flaps caused by ISP changes to network routing.

Measures the quality of each hop , reports packet loss and the network provider
Identify congestion and packets dropped for each hop along the route, including the ISP responsible for that network segment. 

Monitors application service availability
Go beyond basic system availability and validate that application services are running and responding on specific ports.

Easy-to-use rules engine provides automated alerts when failures occur
A flexible Outlook-style rules engine provides instant notification of a performance failure in any one hop or for an entire route, including the ability to detect if the failure is a one-off or sustained event.

Maintains detailed history and provides replay facilities
Easily examine past events when customer and users complain after the event including the ability to replay past time periods.

Integrated web-based 'access anywhere' browser reporting
Easily view reports 'anywhere and everywhere' via a web browser:

Global network views show the performance of all routes simultaneously, with single click drill down

Plot views show route performance and quality over time, including extended periods such as weeks and months

TimeLine views enable easy review of alerts over extended periods like days, weeks and months, with single click drill down to locate the cause of an alarm.

Automatically captures trace routes when alerts occur
Quickly pinpoint the cause of a service failure with detailed trace route reports that record connectivity diagnostics at the moment a performance problem occurs.

Quick and easy implementation
Installs in minutes, includes a built-in web server for simplified administration and easy remote access.


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