Reflex's award winning Virtualization Management Center (VMC) enables next generation data centers to enforce IT policies, ensure compliance with government mandates, and manage and protect virtual servers, desktops, and networks across multiple platforms.
VMC provides a single authoritative visual interface, central management and security for heterogeneous virtual environments. By combining the centralized event database, virtual infrastructure integration and analysis engines with a robust visual interface it is possible to administer, audit, secure and monitor complex, dynamic, virtual infrastructures. This results in better network and event visibility for a faster and more efficient management and security response. Through extensive real-time and historical visual reporting and revision control, Reflex VMC gives administrators the tools they need to efficiently meet stringent compliance requirements and provide secure management for virtualized data centers.
Reflex VMC is purpose-built on a strong security foundation to provide the essential tools needed to bridge the gap between security and management in the virtualized data centers.
Citrix XenApp(原名Citrix Presentation Server)升级到Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 体验新增的100多项新功能,您可以拓宽应用灵活性,提高应用能力,简化接入,加强应用安全性,还能增强最终用户体
图片1 Citrix XenServer--提供服务器虚拟化的强大功能 实现动态数据中心 Citrix XenServer是实现服务器虚拟化和提供动态数据中心的最简捷和最有效的方式,动态数据中心为计算和存储提供灵
图片1 Citrix XenDesktop 端到端的桌面交付解决方案 重新考虑传统桌面部署迫在眉睫 对于IT机构来说,如今普遍采用的桌面管理需要大量人工参与,这种管理模式不仅费时而且成本高昂。当
Citrix Essentials for Microsoft Hyper-V provides server virtualization customers with a powerful set of advanced server virtualization management capabilities that extend the enterprise management capabilities of Windows Server 2008 environ
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Citrix Access Gateway是一款通用的SSL VPN设备,为信息资源提供了安全、且始终在线的单点接入支持。它俱备IPSec和常见SSL VPN的所有优势,同时摆脱了昂贵且烦琐的实施与管理缺陷,从而可分