专业修复IDE硬盘的软硬件综合工具 --- PC-3000
Seagate(希捷), Western Digital(西部数据), Fujitsu(富士通), Quantum(昆腾), Samsung(三星), Maxtor(迈拓), Conner, IBM, HP, Kalok, Teac, Daeyoung, and Xebec等。
使用РС-3000有可能修复 50-80% 的缺陷硬盘。 如此高的修复率是通过使用特别的硬盘工作模式来达到的(比如工厂模式),在特别的工作模式下可以对硬盘进行如下操作:
其中,重写内部微码(Firmware)模块对在一些情况下对数据恢复有特别的功效, 如:
Fujitsu MPG及MPF系列硬盘加电后磁头寻道基本正常,但不能被正确检测到;
WD EB及BB系列硬盘能被检测到,但无法读写......
"РС-3000" 安装并工作在普通PC主机上 (从386到奔腾三)。其中,测试功能卡"PC-3000 PRO"是其中的硬件部分。
待修的硬盘必须接在 «PC-3000 PRO» 接口上,并接通+5V、 +12V电源(普通PC标准电源)。而本综合工具的软件部分必须安装在PC主机的工作硬盘中,需要占用PC主机硬盘的160MB空间。
基本的HDD检测是由其中的通用工具«PC-3000 АТ»来完成。检测结果将被显示在PC的屏幕上,检测结果可以存储为磁盘文件或者打印出来。
具体修复过程由各种相应硬盘系列的专用工具模块来完成, 完整的修复过程通常由几个不同阶段组成:
· 修复硬盘内部的微码集(参数模块);
· 伺服测试并隐藏非正常伺服的磁道;
· 内部低级格式化(这个过程由硬盘内部自动控制,不需PC的干涉);
· 媒体扫描-- 查找有缺陷的扇区并隐藏(重置,替换,跳过缺陷)。隐藏过程中使用到硬盘厂家预留的备用区或特别区域。
而用户购买了“PC-3000”并通过网络注册后,可以通过打电话 或E-mail得到ACELAB或授权代理的技术支持,那样对提高修复成功率有很大的促进。
测试功能卡 "РС-3000 PRO"
测试功能卡«PC-3000 PRO»是“PC-3000”所有软件控制硬盘的必备通道。
· 内置循环中断控制,允许用户中断工作线程;
· 内置内钟控制计数器,能收集到硬盘在多任务工作下的超时参数;
· 内置硬件数据缓冲,可支持硬盘的多种工作模式 PIO MODES 3, 2, 1;
· 有附加IDE通道,并且能热拨插更换IDE硬盘;
· 可加装 “PC3K-PWR(电源控制器)”进行电源控制。在更换待修硬盘时可以方便开关电源,在恢复数据时也有特别作用。
PC-3000综合工具套装清单 (英文版)
1. HASP KEY(加密狗) --- 1 个
2. 测试功能卡“РС-3000 PRO”--- 1 片
3. 电源控制接口“PC3K-PWR” --- 1 片
4. "РС-KALOK"接口 --- 1 片.
5. "РС-CONNER" 接口--- 1 片
6. "PC-QUANTUM" 转接口--- 1片
7. «PC-SEAGATE» 转接口--- 1片
8. T«PC-TEAC»转接口---1片
9. IDE信号排线(40线)--- 1条
10. «COM» 连接线(9线),用来连接"РС-KALOK" and "РС-CONNER" 接口和PC主机COM口 --- 1条
11. «HDD» 连接线(9线,用来连接 "РС-KALOK" and "РС-CONNER" 转接口和- «PC-QUANTUM», «PC-SEAGATE» and «PC-TEAC» 转接- 1条
12. "РС-3000"软件光盘 --- 1张 CD.
13. 英文说明书 (1本)。
PC-3000" is a hardware-software Complex, a professional tool for data recovery on IDE drives of all modifications with capacities ranging from 20 Mb to 120 Gb: Western Digital, Fujitsu, Quantum, IBM, Seagate, Samsung, Maxtor, and Conner.
The use of “РС-3000” enables the user to repair 50-80% of damaged HDDs. This unusually high success rate is achieved by using a special drive’s operating mode (similar to that used by HDD manufacturers) during which the following operations are possible: Restoration of the Low-Level Format; Restoration of the Resident Microcode; Restoration or Modification of parameters in disc’s ID (Identify Drv); Replacement of defective sectors or tracks by reserving sectors or skipping sectors during drive’s operation (Assign, Reallocate, Skip Defects); HDD Reconfiguration by means of skipping defective areas of the magnetic surfaces or turning off defective heads.
The basic principles of HDD repair using "РС-3000"
Complex "РС-3000" works in any PC (from i386 to Pentium IV). The essential hardware part of «РС-3000» is the special tester-board “PC-3000 PRO”.
The drive to be repaired is connected to the «PC-3000 PRO» board (which plugs into a host PC) and an external power source +5V, +12V (a common PC power source). The software of the Complex is to be installed on the host computer. The software requires about 160 Mb of disk space.
The primary HDD diagnostics are performed with the universal utility «PC-3000 АТ». Any results are displayed via video output of the host PC, and can optionally be saved as a file, or printed.
The recovery procedure itself is performed by different utilities, which are unique to each HDD family (see HDD models supported by PC-3000 Ver 14.01). The process of disk restoration may involve one or more of the following steps:
· restoration of the damaged resident microcode;
· servo test and hiding tracks with the damaged servos;
· Low-level formatting (this procedure is done by the drive itself without computing by the host PC).
· Media scan – search for defective sectors and their hiding (Assign, Reallocate, Skip Defects). This is accomplished with the use of a drive’s special zone which is specifically reserved for this purpose (reserved zone).
Tester-board "РС-3000 PRO"
The tester-board of «PC-3000 PRO» is built on the basis of a chipset ASIC and has following technical characteristics:
· it has a built-in IRQ controller.
· it has a built-in timer-counter, which allows to measure time parameters of an HDD.
· it has a hardware data buffer and hardware sub system for data transfer
· the board hosts an additional IDE interface and has pins to connect an external LED
Complex’ supply set
1. Electronic protection key - 1 piece.
2. Tester "РС-3000 PRO" - 1 piece.
3. Power control adapter PC3K-PWR - 1 piece.
4. Adapter "РС-KALOK" - 1 piece.
5. Adapter "РС-CONNER" - 1 piece.
6. Transistor "PC-QUANTUM" - 1 piece.
7. Transistor «PC-SEAGATE» - 1 piece.
8. Transistor «PC-TEAC» - 1 piece.
9. IDE interface cable (40 pins) - 1 piece.
10. «COM» cable (9 pins), for connecting up "РС-KALOK" and "РС-CONNER" adapters to СОМ-port of the control PC - 1 piece.
11. «HDD» cable (9 pins), for connecting up "РС-KALOK" and "РС-CONNER" adapters either to the drive’s technological slot or to transistors «PC-QUANTUM», «PC-SEAGATE» and «PC-TEAC» - 1 piece.
12. Software of the complex "РС-3000" - 1 CD.
13. Technical instructions in English (1 book).