Application CPU and Memory usage, a folder's contents, available disk space. These are just some of the information you can display using Docktopus badges. Keep an eye what your Mac is up to with just a glance at your Dock. These badges update in real time so you are always in the know.
Yes, the Dock is useful for opening apps and documents, but the Launcher badge takes it to another level. This badge acts as a pop-up menu and can run (not just open) QuicKeys Shortcuts, AppleScripts, Automator Workflows, recently opened files, or even specific collections of files and folders that you specify. Whew! Yeah, Docktopus makes the Dock pretty powerful!
With Docktopus you can place "badges" onto four hot spots overlaying each of your Dock icons. Simply drag a desired badge onto a corner of a Dock icon. From then on that badge will be shown on that corner.
Certain badges can be assigned universally to automatically appear on some or all application icons that are in the Dock. There are also application-specific badges such as the iTunes Control badge. Check out the Docktopus Features page for more details on all of the Docktopus badges.
Docktopus simply makes your Dock more useful via its badges - badges that you choose and configure as you see fit. You get information and control of your computer right from where you work every day - your Dock.
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