iolo System Sheild
System Shield是一个功能强大、简单易用的方案,能够防止信息/ID窃取。
System Shield可以保护您的电脑,防止未经授权的数据恢复行为。
为此,iolo 最近推出的一款磁盘保护(防恢复)软件,是对 system mechanic 焚烧炉组件的提练和升华,主要功能有:
--清理技术依从美国、德国及其他提出的安全处理要求,并能自定义数据擦除写入签名、磁盘写入方式和对 ntfs 缓冲器进行清理。
--能够根据计划自动进行清理,兼容所有 windows 系统平台和兼容 fat16、fat32、ntfs 磁盘文件格式。
iolo System Sheild
Fight identity theft! System Shield provides you with military-strength defense against attemps at recovering confidential information on your computer.
Identity and information theft is a very real threat, and deleting data or even formatting your hard drive is just not enough to protect your data from thieves.
System Shield is your powerful, easy to use solution against information and identity theft.
Contrary to popular belief, anything and everything you have installed, used or even just looked at on your PC is still there. Deleting a file isn’t enough. Deleting a whole directory isn’t enough. Removing files from your Recycle Bin isn’t enough. Even formatting the whole hard drive isn’t enough.
With the use of simple and readily-available tools, data, private correspondence, credit card numbers, personal pictures, videos, and other identifiable information may be pulled straight-off your supposedly "clean" hard drive.
What is System Shield™, and how does it work?
In simple terms, System Shield was designed to protect your computer from unauthorized attempts at recovering data that was intended to remain private or confidential. Most people believe that when a file is deleted, it is permanently and irrecoverably "gone". This assumption is far from the truth. Read on for more information on how our PC security software can protect you.
Identity and information theft can and does happen!
Identity theft is the designer-crime of the new century. It is primarily driven by the incredible surge in Internet popularity, coupled with the fact that most people are unaware of the dangers associated with being literally networked together with the rest of the world, and have no idea how to properly protect themselves. When someone steals your identity, they virtually BECOME you, purchasing items on credit, committing crimes, writing checks, and engaging in many other disastrous actions.
Thinking about selling, donating, or throwing away your PC?
Consider this the next time you decide to upgrade to a new PC, or even hard drive: Are you comfortable with the fact that anyone whom you sell or give these old peripherals to can, and in many cases will, extract the data that used to be on your PC? How many personal files are contained therein? How many confidential emails did you send or receive? How many private pictures found their way on to your system? What sort of websites have you "accidentally" browsed?
Incriminating evidence is probably on your PC right now!
Have you ever entered your credit card number, name, address, or telephone number in a document on your computer? Have any unsavory pictures ever made their way onto your PC? Has anything that can ever be construed as illegal been used or installed, even if they were uninstalled and deleted? All of these may still be easily recoverable! Use our PC security software, and don’t let this information fall into the wrong hands.
Even the best internet-firewalls and virus scanners aren’t 100% secure!
If you think about it, how does a company that makes a virus scanner know to add a new virus to its list? The virus must have been found, and have infected an uncounted number of computers already. The same goes for Internet security holes: they can only be protected against once they have been discovered. What does this mean? It means you need even more protection!
Trade secrets and other confidential documents are stolen every day!
There are untold numbers of cases where disgruntled employees secretly log onto high-security computer terminals in an attempt to find valuable information that may be sold or otherwise improperly confiscated. It takes five minutes for someone with basic computer skills to sit down, install, and use freely available software to recover anything you’ve deleted on any computer.
Take control of what files stay on your PC!
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