快来使用Unscrambler? Designer吧,它能帮助您设计出一个完美的实验!这款卓越的软件是专门针对实验设计而制作的,它是一个能够完整理解您的产品、过程和市场的理想工具。知识就是力量,Unscrambler? Designer是您的竞争利器。
The Designer是唯一的一款可以提供真实的多变量分析和复杂的实验设计报告的实验设计软件。
Unscrambler? Designer是一个强大的软件包,不管是最简单的实验设计还是最复杂的实验设计都可以用它来处理。它还带有很多有用的分析工具帮助您更好的利用您的实验结果。
Unscrambler? Designer主要特性
因子和部分因子( Fractional and factorial)设计
Box Behnken设计
中心复合(Central Composite )
经典统计(Classical Statistics)
效应分析(Analysis of Effects)
响应表面设计(Response Surface Analysis )
衰退(Regression )(MLR, PLS1, PLS2)
Set up an optimal experimental plan using The Unscrambler? Designer! This standalone software is strictly dedicated to Design of Experiments. The Unscrambler? Designer is the ideal tool for fully understanding your products, process and markets. Knowledge gives strength, so it is vital to use it to your competitive advantage.
An experimental design is a set of procedures specifying test units and homogeneity, what independent variables are to be manipulated, and what dependent variables are to be measured, and extraneous variables to be controlled?.
Experimental designs are most useful in a number of areas: test marketing, product research, and industrial settings to name a few.
The Designer is the only design of experiments software package to offer true multivariate analysis and reporting/display for complex experimental design plans.
The Unscrambler? Designer is a powerful software package that can handle the design of experiments from the simplest to the most complex. It also features all of the necessary analysis tools to best exploit your experimental results.
The Unscrambler? Designer? Main features
Fractional and factorial designs
Box Behnken
Central Composite
Classical mixture designs
D-optimal designs for mixtures and non-mixtures
Classical Statistics
Analysis of Effects
Response Surface Analysis
Regression (MLR, PLS1, PLS2)
Data Plots
3-D surface plots
Easily Customizable for Reporting