您一定听说过OLE 2.0及它的功能:控制程序、从一个程序中到另一个程序的嵌入对象。其实,OLE 2.0还有一个至今还没被Visual Basic程序员理解的特点—称为"Structured Storage"(结构化存储),而StorageTools是您通向强大的Structured Storage的关键!
Structured Storage允许您轻松创建可组织信息的文件。数据块可以放置在分等级的表格中,即类似于文件放置在目录中。同时,您还可以创建复合文档(compound document)—一种文档存储的新标准。
StorageTools允许您利用与Microsoft 自己使用的文件存储系统相同的文件存储系统。包括带有源代码的源程序,帮助您了解任何基于OLE 2.0的文件的结构,从而彻底清楚他们是如何使用的。
StorageTools 存储控件:
存储控件使用Visual Basic OLE对象来代表存储过程,使用常见的"Get" 和"Put"风格的命令来创建用于处理这些元素的界面。在Structured Storage standard内有若干个函数,用于轻松升级您的文件处理程序。
StorageTools是开启以下Structured Storage性能的关键:
- 利用一个强大的、新的在文件或复合文档(compound document)内部组织信息的方法。
- 缓冲的文件修改(Buffered file modifications)允许您轻松取消对文件所做的修改。
- 可以在存储缓冲器中创建复合文档(compound document)。
- 全面支持SummaryInformation,允许您列出一般的文档信息。
- 能够查看任何复合文档文件,包括那些由Microsoft的Office 程序,如Word 和Excel 产生的文件。
- 包括复合文档文件浏览器和完整的Visual Basic源代码。
- 您可以在存储器内组织信息,就如同您在磁盘上组织信息一样。在存储器的Storage和磁盘上的Storage间拷贝信息时,仅需调用一个函数。
- 通过保存已经修改的文档部分来减少磁盘访问时间。
- 所有磁盘空间分配和组织都已完成。
StorageTools 注册控件(Registry Control):
注册控件使得访问Registry 和Registry数据库变得很容易。它提供了所有Windows API 调用的权利。
使用StorageTools,Registry成为将您的Visual Basic程序转换为真正的专业程序的关键。下面是您可以做的事情:
- 在您的文档中记录文件扩展名,当用户激活它的时候,您的程序就可以自动开始。
- 创建特定用户和特定机器的配置,自动改善您的用户的界面。
- 向您的程序揭示DDE 链接。
- Windows 95界面:设置图标、注册卸载软件等等
- 公开您的程序的版本信息。
- 阅读和修改系统设置。
- 这个16位的注册控件可以访问Windows 95 和Windows NT 下的32位的registry,因此有助于您缩小您程序的16位和32位版本间的差距。
StorageTool 源编译器(Resource Compiler)
Desaware的源编译器使您能够迅速在您的 VB4可执行程序(16 & 32位)中插入位图、图标和串。它包括完整的VB源代码和技术描述,告诉您如何使用。
StorageTools 2.0
The ultimate data storage and file manipulation toolkit! Change the way you work with files and data forever!
You may have heard about OLE 2.0 with its ability to control applications and embed objects from one application into another. But there’s another feature built into OLE 2.0 that until now was not accessible to Visual Basic programmers. It’s called "Structured Storage" and StorageTools is your key to this powerful technology.
Structured Storage allows you to create files that organize information easily. Blocks of data can be placed in hierarchical form, just as files are placed in directories. It’s like having an entire file system in each file. You can also create and work with compound documents -- a new standard for document storage.
OLE 2.0 takes care of allocating and freeing space within a file, so just as you need not concern yourself with the physical placement of files on disk, you can disregard the actual location of data in the file. Plus: with its support for transactioning you can easily implement undo operations and incremental saves in your application.
StorageTools allows you to take advantage of the same file storage system used by Microsoft’s own applications. Includes sample programs (with source) that let you examine the structure of any OLE 2.0 based file so you can see exactly how they do it!
StorageTools Storage Control:
The Storage control uses Visual Basic OLE Objects to represent storages and streams, creating a familiar interface for manipulating those elements using familiar "Get" and "Put" style commands. Within the Structured Storage standard are a number of functions that let you upgrade your file handling procedures easily: you can detect whether files are in Structured Storage format or not, and you can read any normal file as if it was a Structured Storage file. The Storage control also adds a number of features specifically for Visual Basic programmers. It lets you read and write information in any of the styles Visual Basic uses, such as "Sequential", "Binary" or "Random," including arrays.
StorageTools is the key to unlocking the following Structured Storage capabilities:
- Utilize a powerful new method for organizing information within a file or compound document.
- Buffered file modifications allow you to easily undo modifications to a file using Transactioning.
- The ability to create a compound document in a memory buffer instead of a disk file
- Full support for standard SummaryInformation fields lets you expose general document information while still maintaining a proprietary internal data format.
- Ability to look inside any compound document file including those generated by Microsoft’s Office applications such as Word and Excel.
- Includes a compound document file browser with complete Visual Basic source code.
- You can organize information in memory exactly like you organize information on disk. Only one function call is required to copy information between a Storage in memory and a Storage on disk.
- Reduce disk access time by only saving the parts of the document that have changed.
- All disk space allocation and organization are done for you.
- And more....
StorageTools Registry Control:
The Registry Control makes it easy to access the Registry and the Registration Database. It provides all the power of Windows API calls and more. Keys within the Registry are accessed like directories.
Values are converted to data types compatible with Visual Basic. Powerful search capabilities are included, allowing you not to only search among keys and value names, but within the value data itself. The documentation includes descriptions of areas in the Registry that might be useful and how to access them.
Using StorageTools, the Registry becomes the key to transforming your Visual Basic program into a truly professional applica