Are you a teacher or professor that needs to make your Microsoft Word documents readable to your students with vision and learning disabilities? MathDaisy™ enables you to save documents in the DAISY Digital Talking Book format. Your students can use MathPlayer™-enabled DAISY player software to read your classroom materials in the manner that suits their abilities and preferences best.
Make math accessible to your students with disabilities!
So you need to make your classroom materials accessible?
Many state and local educational institutions are now requiring teachers, instructors, and professors to make classroom materials they create accessible to students with disabilities. In the past, this has been difficult to do, especially for materials containing math. MathDaisy now makes it possible for you to save Word documents containing equations as a DAISY electronic book that can be read by your students using MathPlayer-enabled DAISY player software on a personal computer or a dedicated eBook reader.
您是需要使您的 Word文档对于您的学生可读的老师或教授吗? MathDaisy™使您的数字有声读物格式在DAISY保存文档。您的学生可以使用MathPlayer™的DAISY播放器软件来读取你的课堂教材的方式最适合自己的能力和喜好。
许多地方教育机构现在要求教师,讲师,教授,让他们提供更方便阅读的课堂教材给差生。在过去,这是很难做到的,尤其是对材料中含有的数学。 MathDaisy现在可让您保存Word文档包含学生使用MathPlayer启用DAISY播放软件在个人电脑上或专用电子书阅读器,可以读取DAISY电子书方程。
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