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产品名称:Allinea DDT

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Allinea DDT是功能强大的大规模并行计算调试工具。

Allinea DDT: The powerful scalable parallel debugging tool

DDT, the Distributed Debugging Tool is a comprehensive graphical debugger for scalar, multi-threaded and large-scale parallel applications that are written in C, C++ and Fortran.

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Elegant and Powerful

DDT is the most advanced debugging tool available. With a now-famous user interface that wins praise for ease-of-use and capability, it is quite simply an integral part of efficient software development.

The advanced source code browser shows at a glance the state of the processes within a parallel job, and enormously simplifies the task of debugging large numbers of simultaneous processes. DDT has a wealth of features designed to debug effectively - from deadlock and memory leak tools, to data comparison and groupwise process control, and it interoperates with all known MPI implementations and all batch queuing systems.

Simplifying debugging at scale

For multi-threaded or OpenMP development DDT allows threads to be controlled individually and collectively, with advanced capabilities to examine data across threads.

The Parallel Stack Viewer is a unique way to see the program state of all processes and threads at a glance - and developers can easily spot rogue processes or threads, and even define new control groups from it, meaning massively parallel programs are easy to manage.

DDT's interface scales amazingly - providing the same clarity of information at 8,000 processes as at 80 - highlighting commonality and differences with summary views and data comparison to focus your attention.

Catching common problems quickly

Leak Detection with DDTDDT's advanced memory debugging capability brings tremendous benefits to developers of scalar and parallel applications. DDT can find memory leaks, and detect common memory usage errors before your program crashes.

With DDT, you can check a pointer is valid or find the stack when it was allocated - a fantastic boost for any developer. Reading or writing beyond the ends of allocated data can also be detected - instantly.

Supporting the languages you need

A programmable STL Wizard enables you to view C++ Standard Template Library variables like the abstract data they represent, viewing lists, maps, sets, multimaps, pairs, deques and strings easily. It is also extensible to let you visualize your own complex classes as you would like.

With Fortran 77, 90, 95 and 2003 support, developers of scientific code have full access to modules, allocated data, strings and derived types.

View MPI message queues to discover deadlock in parallel codes, or visualize data in 3D with the multi-dimensional array viewer.

Download DDT product information as a pdf.


DDT is available on Linux for Itanium, Opteron, EM64T, PowerPC, IBM Cell Broadband Engine and x86, IBM AIX 5.2 and 5.3, Sun Solaris (v9/10 for SPARC v10 for Opteron), NEC SUPER-UX and Cray XT4.

It is compatible with compilers from Absoft, IBM, Intel, Pathscale, ST PGI, Sun Microsystems, and the GNU compiler suite.

DDT supports all known MPI distributions.


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