The Allinea DDTLite add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio gives you total control of parallel and multi-threaded applications. Allinea has taken the most modern parallel debugging methods and applied them to the Microsoft Visual Studio environment to create Allinea DDTLite. It is incredibly easy to install and use, so that you can increase your parallel productivity within minutes.
The links below will help in configuring Visual Studio in preparation for using the DDTLite add-in.
View the product overview as a PDF, view the user guide as a PDF or read about the key features below.
Allinea DDTLite puts you in control of your application whether working on a workstation or on a Microsoft HPC cluster.
With full support for programs written in C, C++, C#, Python, Fortran and all .NET languages, Allinea DDTLite is the only truly parallel debugger add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio, optimised for multi-threaded and MPI code.
Allinea DDTLite adds control capabilities - such as setting breakpoints or stepping the application - that apply to individual threads, to user selected thread, to process groups, or for every process and thread (barrier).
You can create groups of processes and threads from code logic either using the variable - parallel view or the parallel stack view. You can then focus on one group as you drill down to the source of the problem.
At-a-glance view of data across your entire program. Compare values across multiple processes and threads, grouping the results by equivalence.
DDTLite will even show you the location of every process and thread simultaneously with its parallel stack view.
Licensing options are available to suit every need - with entry level options of purely thread debugging on a single workstation, or of small process counts on multiple machines, through to 32 processes clusters.
Available for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Compatible with all Microsoft Visual Studio supported platforms, MPIs and compilers.
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