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产品名称:Allinea OPT

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  • 销售热线:010-51266616
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Allinea OPT: 复杂程序代码的性能分析与优化工具。

Allinea OPT is a solution for application developers who want to achieve higher performance for their parallel and scalar codes - for C, C++ and Fortran applications.

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Intuitive performance analysis

With a top-down and targetted approach to optimization Allinea OPT allows users to concentrate their effort on the parts of their code that really impact overall performance.

Its extensive sampling capability finds the parts of your code responsible for performance problems. The callgraph capability analyzes codes for low performance and automatically highlights the worst functions, measuring both time and hardware counters. Comprehensive graphs of measurements over the running time of an application lets you explore ensure resources are being used effectively.

Statistical analysis shows areas of poor communication or computation balance across processors, allowing the behaviour of parallel processes to be understood clearly.

It is easy to use OPT with your existing application - with a simple relink (or a dynamic library preload) OPT can begin measuring your application today.

Capable communication analysis

TimelineA fully integrated timeline displays the individual messages and communications - mismatched times between send and receive, or in barrier calls, are easily seen. The callgraph and charts link to the timeline to allow the user to focus down between to any level between a single iteration, or the whole task.

Comparing JobsOPT sets a new standard for the problem of performance analysis and optimization of parallel codes. Being truly grid capable, it allows users to access remote profiling data almost as rapidly as a local server. OPT's database of performance sessions allows performance comparison between jobs, between separate applications or different hardware to be made. An impressive set of charts allows scalability to be analyzed effectively.

To learn more about using OPT, read our OPT product information as a pdf.


Allinea OPT is available for almost every flavour of Linux, for Itanium, Opteron, EM64T, Xeon, PowerPC and the IBM Cell BE.


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