Embedded SQL. It’s ingrained in your COBOL programs. It’s what binds your existing applications to your relational data. It gives your users precise access to the information they need to do their jobs. AcuSQL is an embedded SQL pre-compiler designed for businesses like yours. It scans your COBOL source file for SQL statements and translates them into COBOL CALL statements that the ACUCOBOL-GT® compiler can process. A seamless, reliable blending of two powerful languages. What could be better for business?
AcuSQL is a simple, cost-effective solution for those who use embedded SQL statements in their COBOL programs to access SQL-conversant data sources.
AcuSQL is a Structured Query Language (SQL) precompiler that supports the inclusion of embedded SQL (ESQL) statements in ACUCOBOL-GT program source code. The AcuSQL precompiler, in combination with an AcuSQL runtime library, allows your ESQL COBOL programs to access ISO/ANSI SQL92-compliant data sources such as MySQL®, Microsoft® SQL Server and IBM DB2®. AcuSQL supports both static and dynamic SQL so you can control the queries sent to the database as much as required.
Though designed for users with existing COBOL programs that use embedded SQL, AcuSQL is also useful for Acu4GL® users when they require greater control over how their database is accessed from ACUCOBOL-GT programs.
With AcuSQL, you can:
Leverage the power and flexibility of SQL from COBOL
Simplify the COBOL code needed to perform data operations
Execute complex data operations that utilize the capabilities of the database engine
Write applications tailored to a wide variety of individual databases
Develop and deploy on Windows®, UNIX®, and/or Linux®. (choice of server is database-dependent.)
A key element of the extend®8 family of solutions, AcuSQL can be used alone or in tandem with all of the Acucorp technologies.
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