ActiveXperts Network Monitor
ActiveXperts Network Monitor是ActiveXperts software公司的拳头产品,是用来监控您LAN和WAN服务器、工作站和设备整体性能的最出色的解决方案。这几年来,很多系统管理员(System Administrator)、网络管理员(Network Operator)以及帮助桌面管理员(Helpdesk Employee)都一直依赖ActiveXperts Network Monitor工具的强大功能、灵活性和可靠性。
产品可以在Windows 2003/2000/XP/NT平台上运行。ActiveXperts Network Monitor同时支持Windows, UNIX, Linux 喝Novell 平台。当检测到问题时,您立即可以得到一个通过网络的通知,电子邮件或者时SMS消息。当出现失效时,network monitor工具会自动的修正这个错误。
ActiveXperts Network Monitor由Network Monitor Engine (一个Windows服务)和Network Monitor Manager应用程序组合而成。The Network Monitor Engine可以连续监控LAN/WAN服务的可用性。它还可以通知、触发程序、恢复和日志记录。而网络 监控管理器程序可以浏览监控结果,并更改配置等。通过该管理器程序,您可以从任何桌面PC上可视化监控网络。
该Web界面基于只读XML,是一个网络视图集合。使用XSL电子表可通过Internet浏览器对其进行浏览。为了远程监控网络,需要一个防火墙端口(默认:端口80)。编辑XSL电子表可以完成Web界面页的定制,该操作非常简单,您可以改变类别、颜色、列表项、行列尺寸等。这是ActiveXperts Network Monitor的一个独有特性,被HelpDesk成员广泛使用。
* 监控多种操作系统:Windows, Novell, UNIX和LINUX;
* 监控多个应用程序服务;
* 监控多种数据库:Oracle, MS SQL, ADO 和任何兼容ODBC 的数据库;
* 监控网络、网络协议和网络服务;
* 使用VBScript语言来自定义Monitor Functions;
* Monitor Rules由monitoring engine多线程同步处理。缺省情况下为16个线程同步处理;
* Monitoring engine会根据要处理的rule数目自动调节每分钟的线程数;
* 软件提高强大的功能集合。
* The Manager应用程序用于修改配置和查看监控结果;
* The Manager应用程序可以安装在网络种的任何一台工作站上,操作员可以在他们的桌面机上进行监控和配置等操作;
* The Manager应用程序界面与浏览器相似,有一个Folder pane,一个Monitor Rules pane 和一个Activity pane;
* 可以给指定的人员配置只读权限。只读权限只允许查看结果不允许修改配置。
* 在故障出现和故障恢复时发送通知;
* 无需Outlook 或者IIS/CDONT即可发送SMTP电邮通知;
* NetBIOS Network Notifications (即通常所说的网上弹出消息条);
* 通过一个SMSC(短消息服务中心)提供者发送SMS通知,需要一个与监控服务器相连的正规的Hayes兼容的modem;
* 通过GSM移动电话发送SMS通知,需要一个通过线缆(InfraRed or BlueTooth)与监控服务器相连的GSM电话,而且这个电话必须能够处理AT+C命令;
* 全局自定义地址薄,包括所有的通知方式(电子邮件,SMS和网络),可以自定义一个收件人列表或者直接从地址薄中选取;
* 所有通知方式的模板,模板中都包括Network Monitor的系统参数,您完全可以使用这些模板来发送消息;
* 每种通知方式都有一个Test按钮,用于解决故障。
* 失效后重启这个(或者多个)服务;
* 失效后重启服务器;
* 启动一个可执行任务或者是批处理任务,可以使用Network Monitor系统参数;
* 启动一个VBScript,可以使用Network Monitor系统参数;
* 包含action示例。
* 所有的配置信息都存储在一个文件之内,大大方便备份、导入和导出等操作;
* 导入和导出向导;
* 可以配置新的Monitor Rules 缺省值;
* 缺省值可以应用到已有的Monitor Rules之上;
* 可以为用户设置只读模式,这样用户就无法修改配置;
* 包含Standard incident reports(标准关联报告)和综合报告;
* 支持HTML和CSV (’逗号分隔’) 报告;
* 在报告中包含/排除服务器;
* 报告生成向导。
* Network Monitor相关信息保存在Application Log of the Event Viewer中;
* 监控信息保存在ASCII日志文件中;
* 日志文件最大大小可配置,当达到大小上限后创建一个新的日志文件。
该软件必须运行于Windows 服务器平台上,且满足下列要求之一:
NT4 Server with S
ActiveXperts Network Monitor
Product Overview
ActiveXperts Network Monitor is the leading solution for monitoring all aspects of your LAN and WAN servers, workstations and devices.
For years, System Administrators, Network Operators and Helpdesk Employees have relied upon the power, flexibility and reliability of the ActiveXperts Network Monitor tool. The mission of the product is to maximize the reliability of your production servers and applications through the automatic detection and correction of problems and issues.
The product runs as a service on the Windows 2003/2000/XP/NT platform. ActiveXperts Network Monitor supports Windows, UNIX, Linux and Novell platforms. When problems are detected, you’re immediately notified by network message, e-mail or SMS message. When a failure is detected, the network monitor tool will try to correct the problem.
Software architecture
ActiveXperts Network Monitor consists of a Network Monitor Engine (a Windows service) and a Network Monitor Manager application.
The Network Monitor Engine is the service that continuously monitors the servers in your LAN/WAN for availability. The service is also responsible for notifying, triggering actions, recovery and logging.
There抯 no agent software required on the servers being monitored; the monitoring service uses protocols and application layers of the Operating System to do its job.
Network Monitor Engine
The Network Monitor Engine runs on a (dedicated) Windows server in the network. The engine is multithreaded, capable of monitoring many servers simultaneously. It can monitor various platforms, like Windows, Novell, Linux and Unix. It has many built-in monitor functions. Operators can write new functions in VBScript or RSH and add them to the configuration.
Network Monitor Manager
The Network Monitor Manager application is used to view the results and to make changes to the configuration. This Manager application allows you to visually monitor the network from any desktop PC.
Use the Network Monitor Manager application to view results and to make changes to the configuration
The Manager application can be installed on any Windows 98, Windows NT or higher computer (workstation or server), and has different authority levels. You can restrict help desk employees to only view results, while you can allow network operators to make changes to the configuration.
Product Features
Monitoring features
* Monitoring various operating systems, including Windows, Novell, UNIX and LINUX;
* Monitoring various application services;
* Monitoring various databases, like Oracle, MS SQL, ADO and any ODBC compliant databases;
* Monitoring networks, network protocols and network services;
* Write custom Monitor Functions using the standard VBScript scripting language;
* Monitor Rules are processed simultaneously by the multithreaded monitoring engine. By default, there are 16 threads to process Monitor Rules simultaneously;
* Monitoring engine is self-tuning; the number of threads adapt to the number of rules to be processed per minute.
* Software is provided with powerful, pre-defined function sets.
User Interface
* The Manager application is used to make changes to the configuration and view the monitoring results;
* The Manager application can be installed on any workstation in the network, enabling operators to monitor and configure from their desktop;
* The Manager application has an Explorer-like user interface, with a Folder pane, a Monitor Rules pane and an Activity pane;
* Assign Read-only permission to the people who do not need full access to the configuration. In Read-only mode, users can only view the r