MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition(带MIB Compiler)for Linux是一个用户友好的SNMP浏览器,使用灵活,技术领先,功能强大,是Linux操作系统上使用最广泛的SNMP浏览器,支持Intel x86上的RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, Debian, Slackware等。
MIB Browser使用IPv4、IPv6或IPX网络上的标准SNMPv1、SNMPv2和SNMP3协议,可以监控和管理网络上的任何SNMP设备(如文件或数据库服务器、modem、打印机、路由器、交换机、…)。同时,通过标准的SNMPv3 USM安全模型,MIB Browser还支持Diffie-Hellman密钥交换模型,因此可以无缝链接并管理基于DOCSIS的SNMPv3代理(如cable modem、cable modem终端系统、机顶盒等)。
您还可以使用MIB Browser执行SNMP Get、SNMP GetNext、SNMP GetBulk和SNMP Set操作。另外,还可以捕捉网络上任何SNMP设备或程序发出的SNMP Trap和SNMP信息包。
MIB Browser可以同时监控几个SNMP设备,具有SNMP表格浏览器、SNMP表格编辑器、日志功能、对于查询数值的实时图形表达、扫描代理中使用的MIB、SNMP代理快照比较、管理远程SNMP代理上的SNMPv3 USM用户等特性。
通用SNMP Trace窗可以显示MIB Browser和SNMP代理之间交换的SNMP信息,该信息既可以通过原始的十六进制dump格式显示,也可以显示为经过解码的可读格式。所以,当您在开发SNMP代理或解决SNMP代理无法正确响应MIB Browser请求时,该通用SNMP Trace窗是非常有用的调试工具。
附带的MIB Compiler可以编译任何厂商的MIB文件,MIB Browser能够下载并使用编译的MIB文件。一般而言,SNMP可托管设备厂商都会提供MIB文件,含有对SNMP设备的托管对象层次和对象属性的说明。换言之,MIB文件为相应设备的管理提供路标。
MG-SOFT MIB Browser Pro. for Linux
MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition with MIB Compiler for Linux is an extremely flexible, technically superb, powerful and user-friendly SNMP Browser running on Linux operating systems (RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, Debian, Slackware,... on Intel x86 architectures).
The software has the same look-and-feel and almost the same functions as the Windows version of the software. For details please check ReadMe.txt and ReleaseNotes.txt files that ship with the Linux version.
MIB Browser lets you monitor and manage any SNMP device on the network (i.e., file or database servers, modems, printers, routers, switches,...) by using the standard SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 protocols. Along the standard SNMPv3 USM security model, MIB Browser also supports the Diffie-Hellman key exchange model, so that DOCSIS-based SNMPv3 agents (i.e., cable modems, cable modem termination systems, set-top boxes etc.) can be seamlessly contacted and managed.
MIB Browser allows you to perform SNMP Get, SNMP GetNext, SNMP GetBulk and SNMP Set operations. Besides, the software lets you capture the SNMP Trap and SNMP Inform packets that were sent from arbitrary SNMP devices or applications on the network.
MIB Browser can monitor several SNMP devices simultaneously and contains features like SNMP Table viewer, logging capabilities, real-time graphical presentation of queried numerical values, scan for implemented MIBs in agents, etc.
Generic SNMP Trace window displays SNMP messages exchanged between MIB Browser and SNMP agents. SNMP messages are displayed in raw hexadecimal dump format as well as in the decoded, human-readable format. Therefore, the Generic SNMP Trace window is particularly useful for debugging when developing a SNMP agent and for resolving problems when MIB Browser cannot properly query a SNMP agent.
The enclosed MIB Compiler lets you compile any vendor specific MIB file. The compiled MIB file can then be loaded and utilized by MIB Browser. Generally, a MIB file is usually supplied by the vendor of an SNMP manageable device and contains a description of the object hierarchy and object attributes on the managed SNMP device. MIB file serves as a roadmap for managing that device.