一款优秀的计算机锁定软件。可以通过简单的步骤来锁定计算机,加密重要文件。Fortres 101有多年以来一直是成功立足于计算机安全防护,被评为windows最好的桌面安全软件。是防止恶意和意外操作导致计算机灾难的小型解决方案。
Fortres 101是一种介于电脑和用户之间的具有创新意义的安全代理。可以监控每个电脑行为来决定是否允许该行为。作为一个或上千个电脑的系统管理员,软件安全是很必要的。
Fortres 101不仅保护软件和硬件的应用程序,还可以通过防止文件和程序的损坏来省时省钱。您不需要因为意外或恶意删除和错误浪费时间来re-imaging, ghosting或者重新安装软件
Fortres 101提供对Windows操作的每个方面的控制。防止用户损坏根程序,现有Windows,访问命令提示(command prompt),增加,移动或删除图标,改变Windows界面;安装,拷贝或下载软件;运行非管理员指定的程序;改变屏幕saver配置;访问未授权的Web站点;使用low-level系统工具;改变打印配置;改变屏幕saver配置;访问未授权的Web站点;擦除重要系统文件;在硬盘上保存文件;在硬盘上访问文件
Fortres 101防止恶意(rogue)管理员。所有的安全特点都应用于本地系统管理员和区域管理员。通常情况下,管理员可以不受限制地访问电脑。Fortres 101改变了这一点,允许对管理员行为的强制性限制
Fortres 101使用灵活简单。每个安全选项都包含一个说明。安全选项一旦设定,会启动颜色代码,不可用选项允许简单安全浏览。如果一个选项不安全,会提示您
Global Settings特点非常实用。简单点击tab labeled Global,安全特点就可以用于所有组群。
升级Fortres 101快速,简单,特别是当您使用Central Control来远程升级。Conversion Wizard调整安全设置来匹配已经设置的原来的版本。
Proven Desktop Security Software
The superior desktop security of Fortres 101 can easily lock down your Windows computers. Fortres 101 is the solution to malicious or accidental destruction of computers, problems with inconsistent interface, and inconsistent printing behavior. Fortres 101 has successfully secured computers for years and is voted the best desktop security software for Windows.
Prevents Unwanted Downloads
Fortres 101 is an innovative security agent that resides invisibly between the computer and the user. Every computer action is quietly monitored to determine if that action is permitted or not. As a systems administrator for one or one thousand computers, software security is a must.
Saves Time and Money
Protecting not only the software and hardware applications, Fortres 101 also protects time and money by preventing damage to files and programs. You will no longer waste time re-imaging, ghosting, or reinstalling software because of accidental or mischievous deletions and errors.
Provides Complete Control
Fortres 101 provides complete control over every aspect of Windows operations. Prevent users from interrupting the boot process; exiting Windows; accessing a command prompt; adding, moving, or deleting icons; altering anything about the appearance of Windows; installing, copying, or downloading software; running any programs not specified by the administrator; using low-level system tools; changing printer configurations; changing screen saver configurations; accessing unauthorized Web sites; erasing important system files; saving files on the hard disk; and even accessing files on the hard disk.
Security Averse and Finicky Programs Always Work
The effortless configuration Fortres 101 offers is ideal. Fortres 101 can automatically configure many applications that require special attention, easing administration. A number of applications, typically legacy antivirus types, do not treat the file system in a way that is compatible with the default configuration of Fortres 101. Fortres 101 will look for these known applications and make special accommodation so the applications can function as designed while Fortres 101 security is active. Nothing is required of you but to install Fortres 101.
Protection from Rogue Administrators
Fortres 101 protects from rogue administrators. All of the security features can be applied to local system administrators and domain administrators, too. Normally, administrators have unrestricted access to a computer. Fortres 101 changes this, and allows enforceable restrictions on administrators’ activities.
Policy Restrictions
Policy Restrictions provides a way to quickly implement group policy restrictions that may not have explicit counterparts in Fortres 101, without the baggage, learning curve, and undiagnosable failures attendant to the group policy editor. This feature does not actually use the group policies and does not write the values to the registry. If the group policy editor is being used in addition to Fortres 101, the settings here will take precedence over settings made in the group policy editor.
Provide Protection by Blocking Local and Removable Drives
Fortres 101 offers you the ability to restrict/block local hard drives and removable media drives as well as any local file, folder, or application.
Easy to Use
Fortres 101 offers flexibility and ease of use. Each security option includes a description explaining how to secure your computer. Once the security option is set, a color coded Enabled or Disabled option allows for easy viewing of security. If an option is unsecured, the security indication word, Enabled, is bright green to grab your attention. You will never accidentally leave an area unsecured again.
Provides Quick Customization
You will be relieved by the time saving feature, Global Settings. By simply clicking on the tab labeled Global, the security feature is applied to all the groups.