NetOp On Demand Remote Control
NetOp On Demand Remote Control一款基于Internet的远程支持软件,help desk工作人员可以对客户和终端用户提供技术帮助,请求方无需预先安装软件或配置防火墙。
该产品面向那些需要对软件终端用户提供技术支持的大型公司,例如Internet服务提供商(ISP)、电信公司、ERP厂商、CRM厂商和银行等。有了NetOp On Demand Remote Control,终端用户就可以从网站上下载一个远程控制Host,然后向软件公司的help desk中心申请帮助。Help desk中心将决定终端用户是否需要登录专门站点或者在当前页面上选择链接。
Help desk工作人员可以同终端用户在线交流,远程实时的浏览用户电脑桌面,共享用户的鼠标和键盘。最后,help desk人员还可以向终端用户机器发送更新、补丁或驱动程序,也可以提取日志文件和其他相关信息,以便进一步诊断。
终端用户从网站下载一个小程序后,就可以向help desk中心发送帮助请求,然后使能链接。为了实现高安全性,该链接可以使用最多256位AES进行端到端加密,同时还允许对访问进行双向控制,终端用户可以随时断开会话,而且用户断开链接后,将自动删除所下载的小程序,从而避免了程序的维护需要。
help服务模式——当用户需要help desk帮助时,可以激活一个web链接,而后下载NetOp On Demand Host程序。之后,用户将帮助服务名、终端用户名和问题描述输入到程序对话框中。在help desk中心,该请求被自动加入处理队列,等待下一位help desk工作人员的处理。
服务令牌(Service-ticket)模式——终端用户经常同help desk进行电话联系,此时,help desk工作人员将指导用户登录某个专门网站或email一个链接,该网站或链接将提供NetOp On Demand Host程序的下载。然后,help desk人员将创建一个唯一的一次性服务令牌,这样,在终端用户使用NetOp On Demand Host程序申请帮助时,就可以确保对应的处理人员就是接受电话请求的工作人员。
浏览终端用户桌面——help desk工作人员在处理用户请求时,其屏幕上可以显示终端用户Windows桌面的实时副本。
使用键盘和鼠标——在终端用户许可的前提下,help desk工作人员可以实时控制用户的键盘和鼠标。除此,工作人员也可以使用第二鼠标指向终端用户的屏幕区域。
传输文件——含有一个强大的分屏交互式管理器,help desk工作人员可以实现同终端用户的文件交换,从而为终端用户提供更新、补丁和驱动程序,也可以获取用户文件以便进行深入诊断。
访问需经用户确认——出于安全考虑,在任何会话开始之前,工作人员必须经过用户许可才能开始远程访问行为。终端用户还可以对help desk工作人员提出的访问选项进行评估,并拒绝其中不合理的访问要求。
认证——为了防止通过NetOp网关对help desk中心进行无授权访问,采取用户认证行为,需要共享的密码、用户名或Windows证书。可以自动输入认证内容,也可以由终端用户手动输入。
安全角色——为了适应不同的需求,help desk可以发布有不同的权限的NetOp On Demand Host。终端用户可以选择不和help desk工作人员进行文件传输,也可以拒绝共享鼠标和键盘。
广泛的事件日志——允许help desk工作人员记录会话行为,可以跟踪100多个不同的NetOp事件。允许将这些事件记录到本地文件、NetOp安全服务器、Windows事件日志或SNMP使能的管理系统上。
强大的加密能力——可以对终端用户和help desk人员的会话进行端到端加密,支持高达256位的AES加密、256位SHA HMAC完整性检查和2048位的Diffie-Hellman密钥交换。
会话记录——在help desk中心,可以将终端用户机器上发生的全部屏幕行为保存成一个文件。这样,在以后的培训、品质核查或服务证明时,就可以将其显示出来。
NetOp Remote Control 8.0 Guest EX
使用:该模块是一个扩展的8.0 Guest,含有一个专门的序列号,能够同NetOp On Demand Remote Control Host进行会话。
内容:NetOp Remote Control 8.0模块包含有CD、快速指南、许可证证书和一个NetOp On Demand Remote Control Configurator CD(用于更改Host配置)。
包装:该产品提供1、5、10、25和50的 Guest EX包。对于5个及以上的Guest EX,含有一个NetOp Remote Control 8.0 Gateway许可证。
注意:本模块包不提供Host模块和配置过程的打包和数字编码签名程序。该过程由Danware、Danware合作方或help desk中心完成。
NetOp On Demand Remote Control 1
NetOp On Demand Remote Control
Danware is proud to introduce NetOp On Demand Remote Control 1.3, a new product for internet-based remote support allowing help desk representatives to assist customers and end users without pre-installing software or configuring firewalls.
Aimed at large organizations supplying software end-user support, such as Internet Service Providers (ISP), telecommunications companies, ERP vendors, CRM vendors, and banks, NetOp On Demand Remote Control offers end users the possibility to download a remote control Host from a website and
request help from a help-desk center. The help-desk center decides whether the end user must go to a dedicated site or can select a link on the present webpage.
This enables help-desk representatives, if allowed, to chat online with end users, remotely view their desktops in real time, and share their mouse and keyboard control. Finally the help-desk staff can transfer
updates, patches and drivers to the end user computer and retrieve log files and other relevant information for further diagnostics.
The end user downloads a small application from a website and sends a NetOp help request to the helpdesk center enabling connectivity through the end user’s unmanaged firewall. For maximum security the connection is encrypted end-to-end with up to 256-bit AES, access is controlled in both directions and the end user can disconnect the session at any time. The small application is automatically deleted from the end user’s computer at disconnect.
Help service mode – When help-desk assistance is needed, the end user can activate a web link that downloads a small NetOp On Demand Host. A help service name, the end user’s name and a problem description is filled in by the end user. The request is automatically queued at the help-desk center where it awaits the next available help-desk representative.
Service-ticket mode – End users usually contact the help desk by phone. The help-desk representative directs the end user to a specific website or e-mails a link from where a small NetOp On Demand Host is downloaded. A unique, one-time service ticket is created by the help-desk epresentative. This ensures that the NetOp On Demand Host connects to the same help-desk representative that handled the call.
View the end user’s desktop – When solving a problem, a real-time copy of the end user’s Windows desktop is displayed on the help-desk representative’s screen.
Use keyboard and mouse – The help-desk representative can remotely control the user’s keyboard and mouse if the end user grants permission. Alternatively, the help-desk representative can point to areas on the end user’s screen using a secondary mouse pointer.
Transfer files – A powerful, interactive, split-screen file manager allows the help-desk representative to exchange files with the end user to provide updates, patches and drivers, and retrieve files for further diagnostics.
Chat – If a voice telephone line is not available during the help session because the customer is using a dial-up connection, the help-desk representative and end user can use NetOp’s built-in instant messaging to exchange information during the help session.
User-confirmed access – For security reasons, prior to any session, the end user must manually grant permission to the help-desk representative to access the remote computer. The end user can evaluate the proposed options of the help-desk representative and deny access if these options are inappropriate.
Authentication – To prevent unauthorized access to the help-desk center through the NetOp Gateway, authentication requires a shared password, a user name and a password, or Windows credentials. Authentication details can be supplied automatically or manually entered by the end user.
Emergency disconnect – The end user can exit the help session at any time s