ProCite是个人书目管理软件的业界标准,是在强大和灵活的数据库中管理索引的工具。使用这些产品,用户可以: 通过在线方式和 CD-ROM 数据库或者图书馆目录中导入参考文献,免去了所有键盘输入工作 自动设置了650 多种学术出版物的目录格式,节省了转换写作格式的时间 ProCite is a powerful and full-featured reference management program for both business and personal use. ProCite stores bibliographic information, notes, keywords and full abstracts for your references. With ProCite you can easily search, sort and print your citations in a variety of ways within seconds. Whether you are a researcher, writer, librarian, student or information professional, ProCite provides a complete solution for creating and manipulating databases of reference information. Whether it is scholarly research, or just cataloguing your video or CD collection, ProCite makes the task easy. Unlike general purpose database programs, ProCite offers a convenient way to manage distribute and print references. ProCite handles the difficult layout and formatting of records, letting you concentrate on the task at hand |