Project Meeting & Action Item Collaboration Made Easy
MeetingSense is affordable hosted software that empowers teams to easily capture, distribute, and collaboratively manage meeting information and action items online in real-time. MeetingSense has been proven to eliminate hours of wasted time, save thousands in operational costs, and provide standardized meeting structure that will dramatically drive organization-wide business productivity.
MeetingSense Product Overview
Optimize Meeting Preparation - From your Outlook Calendar!
Easily schedule, prepare, and start MeetingSense meetings directly from your Outlook calendar
Capture & Publish Meeting Information, Action Items, Files, and More…
Replace inefficient note taking with effortless meeting information capture and action item assignment
Share Meeting Summaries and Action Items Via Email
Instantly send professional meeting summaries and action items via email and publish them online
Collaborate with Team Members Online Pre & Post Meeting
Track, collaborate, and manage team meeting information, action items, and files online in real-time
MeetingSense Benefits
Cybozu share360 Cybozu Share360包含所有主要协作程序,是一个可以直接执行(ready-to-run)的Intranet解决方案,用户可以通过web浏览器快速访问时间表、email、备忘录、共享文档、项目和在线表单等
Radmin服务器,使你的沟通交流文本文字或语音讯息,而不是使用聊天. 这种产品是一种快速、可靠、廉价、不严格 企业即时讯息(EIM) 解决. 放手让你沟通Radmin服务器连接两不同的模式: 全文
这个产品是 OrgPlus的标准版。 OrgPlus 能形象化地展现企业目前的组织结构图,并可进行假设分析对未来企业的组织结构变化进行规划,并能将组织结构信息传达给整个企业。 OrgPlus能与大
这个产品是 OrgPlus的企业版。 OrgPlus 能形象化地展现企业目前的组织结构图,并可进行假设分析对未来企业的组织结构变化进行规划,并能将组织结构信息传达给整个企业。 OrgPlus能与大