Intuit Track-It!附加模块
Intuit® Track-It!® Mac Audit
可以对运行8.1到10.x的Mac工作站进行核查,而且可以将核查结果合并到Intuit Track-It!清单模块中。该模块可用于专业版和企业版。
新!Intuit® Track-It!® Deploy 7.0
可以通过任何连接向Microsoft Windows便携式电脑或PC机发布应用程序。Track-It!® Deploy 7.0简化了以下操作:软件打包、安装、删除、更新和通过您的帮助支持窗口(help desk)进行软件程序的修复。该模块可用于所有版本。
Intuit® Track-It!® KnowledgeBase
Track-It!知识库为Help Desk技术人员提供77,000多种问题的解决方案,基本囊括了所有的商业程序,如Microsoft®, Novell®, Corel®, Lotus®, Adobe® 和Symantec®等。
Intuit® Track-It!® Remote
Track-It! Remote允许您访问Intranet-LAN或WAN中所有的Windows PC。而且,运行在终端用户系统内的远程组件可以在网络内共享执行,或者作为一种服务加载到终端用户的Windows 9x, NT, 2000,和XP中。该模块可用于企业版和专业版。
Intuit® Track-It!® Self Service Plus
Track-It! Self Service Plus提供Self Service所有的功能,外加查询和知识库能力。提供自然语言查询引擎,帮助终端用户定位问题答案,减少了进入帮助请求系统的工作命令数目。Track-It! Self Service Plus可以帮助您创建一个终端用户问题方案库,联合了Track-It! 数据库信息和工作命令解答以及描述域。如果终端用户无法找到答案,可以点击递交工作请求,所有相关数据都进入工作命令并且传递到help desk。
Self Service Plus还集成了Track-It! Knowledgebas,提供上千种方案(包括最常见的桌面电脑和应用程序问题)的无缝访问。
Track-It!® LDAP Directory Importer
Intuit Track-It!
Intuit® Track-It! — Expanding with the Needs of Your Business
Your business isn’t static — so your software shouldn’t be, either.
Intuit Track-It! offers a range of add-on modules that let you grow and change with the needs of your business. Flexible and scalable, Track-It! lets you quickly and easily expand functionality for a more robust solution. Choose from a variety of simple, cost-effective expansion modules that increase productivity and make managing your IT assets easier. Add-on modules are available for Track-It! Professional and Track-It! Enterprise Editions.
Intuit® Track-It!® Mac Audit
Designed for Macintosh Workstations Running 8.1 – 10.x
Track-It! Mac Audit makes it easy to perform a network or audit on Macintosh systems and incorporate that information into the Intuit Track-It! inventory module.
NEW! Intuit® Track-It!® Deploy 7.0
Now you can quickly, easily and reliably distribute application software to Microsoft Windows® laptops and PCs across any connection, anywhere! Track-It! Deploy makes it simple to package software for distribution then install, remove, update and repair software applications from your help desk PCs.
Intuit® Track-It!® KnowledgeBase
The Help Desk for Help Desk Technicians — Updated Daily!
You can’t expect your Help Desk technicians to know everything – or can you? With Track-It! KnowledgeBase, even your first-level technicians can have the information they need to answer user questions right now! Track-It! KnowlegeBase is packed with over 77,000 problem resolutions for virtually every popular business application, including applications from Microsoft®, Novell®, Corel®, Lotus®, Adobe® and Symantec®. The results? Reduced training time, call volume and duration, increased productivity and support quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Intuit® Track-It!® Remote
Remotely Control Any Windows System on Your Network!
With Track-It! Remote, you never have to run from office to office again -- or try to explain IT instructions to off-site users! Track-It! Remote lets you access any Windows PC that is part of your Intranet - LAN or WAN. What’s more, the remote component that runs on the end users’ system can be executed from a share on the network or can be resident as a service on the end users’ Windows 9x, NT, 2000, and XP PC.
With Track-It! Remote, you can:
Resolve end user’s problems without leaving your desk
Easily access any PC on your network from within Track-It!
Quickly perform bi-directional file transfers
Conduct chat sessions with end users with one phone connection
Intuit® Track-It!® Self Service Plus
Reduce the Number of Incoming Help Requests
Track-It! Self Service Plus offers all the capabilities of Self Service, with additional search and knowledgebase capabilities. A natural-language search engine assists in locating answers to end user questions, reducing the volume of incoming help requests. In addition, Track-It! Self Service Plus helps you create an end user solutions database by consolidating information from the Track-It! database and/or work order resolution and description fields. If end users are unable to find an answer, they can request help by simply clicking a button. All relevant data is entered into the work order and forwarded to the Track-It! Help Desk.
Self Service Plus also integrates with Track-It! Knowledgebase, providing seamless access to thousands of resolutions to the most common desktop and application related problems.
Track-It!® LDAP Directory Importer
Eliminate Redundant Data Entry & Keep User Information Up-to-Date
Automates the population of user and technician information in