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产品名称:SDL TRADOS Synergy Server

  • 出版厂商:
  • 版  本:最新版本
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  • 交货方式:联系销售人员
  • 配货周期:与销售联系
  • 销售热线:010-51266616
  • 市场价格:(以销售人员正式报价为准) 如何获得此产品的本地化服务?

The mandate to reduce translation costs and improve consistency, while reducing lead-times is a key requirement for modern organizations. SDL TRADOS Synergy Server is perfectly aligned to this business need: previous translations can now be re-used for future translation projects, reducing costs, while increasing efficiency and consistency. Translation memories deliver instant returns, becoming an invaluable asset indispensable for a company's success.

Another large hidden costs associated with the translation process is the cost of project management including file conversion, version control, maintenance and delivery. Through SDL TRADOS Synergy Server and SDL Package technology you now have the ability to achieve greater efficiency for your project management tasks through automation, project tracking and centralized asset and deadline management.

Key benefits:

  • Never have to translate the same sentence twice
  • Ensure maximum leverage and consistent translations by connecting internal and external users through the internet
  • Improve efficiency by allowing in-house and freelance translators to work from the same translation memory simultaneously
  • Reduce maintenance costs through one central translation memory
  • Significantly improve your project management efficiency through the combination of the SDL Package and server technology
  • Increase project status visibility, allowing for a more effective way of working within your translation environment
  • Become pro-active in managing multiple translation projects and deadlines by having immediate access to projects completion status
  • Selectable administrative rights for enhanced user security


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